Doraemon is a Japanese comic series that illustrate by Fujiko F. Fujio which later became a cartoon series that attract the attention of kids all around the world. The series is about an earless robotic cat, which its ear bitten by rats, named Doraemon, who travels back in time from the 22nd century to help his owner grandfather, Nobita Nobi to become a success man in future time (Wikipedia).
This Doraemon comic come with 3 subtitles which Malay, Chinese and English. For those customers who are interested in collecting or reading the Doraemon comic, our book store has sell the latest and the old version of Doraemon comic.
This Doraemon comic come with 3 subtitles which Malay, Chinese and English. For those customers who are interested in collecting or reading the Doraemon comic, our book store has sell the latest and the old version of Doraemon comic.
So what are you waiting for? Get your Doraemon Comic in our bookstore now!
(Latest Version for English, Chinese, and Malay)
Price per book: RM 4.00
(Old Version for English, Chinese, and Malay)
Price per book: RM 4.50
1. Wikipedia, (2011). Dragon Ball. Retrieve, November 15, 2011, from
1. Wikipedia, (2011). Dragon Ball. Retrieve, November 15, 2011, from